2025 Fantasy Football Trade Analyzer
Welcome to the Fantasy Football Trade Analyzer! The free online tool that rates and grades your trades.
What is the Fantasy Football Trade Analyzer?
The Fantasy Football Trade Analyzer is a player comparison trade evaluator. It uses a complex calculator to determine trade value while using rest of season rankings and scoring projections.
How does the Fantasy Football Trade Analyzer work?
To operate the trade analyzer, begin by typing in the name of a player in one of the provided search fields. After a few keystrokes, a list of matching players will appear. Choose a desired player by clicking on his name and it’ll populate the text field.
You can add multiple players as well as teams. After all, this is a fantasy football 3-, 4-, 5-or-more team trade analyzer! Hit submit when you’re done and the fantasy trade machine will evaluate the trade.
What does the Fantasy Football Trade Analyzer calculate?
The trade analyzer will use rest of season rankings and scoring projections to compare the players that you enter into the form. The evaluator will compare each player to the rest of those at his position to get a more accurate trade value. Then it’ll add up the trade value for all players on each team that you have submitted and let you know who has the best value.
Does the trade analyzer offer fantasy football trade analysis?
Not at the moment, but it’s a feature I hope to see added down the line. It’s one thing to be told which team gets the best value in a deal; it’s another thing entirely to get detailed analysis of the trade.
Do you have any fantasy football trade advice?
Absolutely! I’d be happy to be your fantasy football trade advisor.
- Never make a fantasy football trade out of desperation. When emotions are high, we make poor decisions. To maximize your trade value, attack your trade partner from a position of confidence and strength, not flaccid weakness.
- Use any and all leverage that you have to your advantage. This includes dealing from a position of strength and taking advantage of other desperate owners.
- Fantasy Football trade proposals are a work in progress. Very rarely will you agree to a good trade in one sitting. Send out weekly feelers to your fellow owners beginning immediately after the draft. Gauge their interest not only in your players but in their own teams as well.
- Analyze the fantasy football landscape every day. News breaks so fast and often, you don’t want to get left behind. Use this new information to your advantage when negotiating with unsuspecting owners.
- Treat your fantasy football team like a business. If you become too personally attached to your players, you’ll get taken to the cleaners in a trade. The worst thing you can do is overvalue your talent.
- Always be communicating with the owners in your league. Is your poker face better than your opponents’ faces? By constantly communicating, you might get them to tip their hand, or, at the very least, you’ll develop a good rapport that helps you during negotiation.
- Buy low and sell high. Just like the stock market, you have to be able to evaluate your players’ trade value and know when his perceived value is higher than his real value. And look at other teams’ players to see which of them are in a slump and have lower perceived trade value than actual value.
Do you have any fantasy football tips of the trade, or for the art of trading?
There are a few simple rules I follow when I enter into trade negotiation.
- Never reveal your true intentions. By playing your cards close to the vest, you maintain leverage in negotiation. Engage in direct dialogue with an owner and make him believe you’re sharing everything on your mind — which, of course, you’re not. You’re strategically withholding that which is most important to you.
- Be casual and laid back; don’t come off as aggressive. Smart owners will read your body language (or see an urgent tone in your text messages and emails) and they’ll take advantage of you. As soon as they sense they’ve got you by the short hairs, your hope of an advantageous deal goes out the window.
- Give ‘em space to think. Nobody likes to be rushed when making an important decision. That’s why I want to punch salespeople in the face every time they bother me at the store. Lay out the framework of your deal and then step away and let them come back to you with an answer.
- Don’t be afraid to walk away. You might be desperate to make a move, but never compound your bad situation by agreeing to a subpar deal. If you’re getting the runaround from a fellow owner, walk away. They might come back to you and give you more. But at worst, you won’t make a poor deal.
- Know when to keep your mouth shut. The best salespeople give just enough information to entice a buyer and then they keep their mouths shut. If you keep flapping your gums, you just might talk yourself out of a deal. Concise, poignant dialogue is the most effective way to a deal.
- Know when to keep them talking! On the flip side, one benefit to keeping your mouth shut is you could get the other owner nervous and force his hand. There’s nothing like a good stare down if negotiating in person. But if doing it by text or phone, walk away from the phone or computer for a long while and then come back with a response that goads them into blabbing some more.
- Play the “hot and cold” game. Remember that game from when you were a kid? When an owner makes an offer to you, you start off by telling them they’re “cold (or far apart on a deal).” Make an aggressive counter offer to them. If they come back to you with another offer, tell them “you’re getting warmer (or closer).” Do this a few times before dropping the, “Aw, man, we are so close here. I just need a little something to sweeten the deal.”
- Be honest with them and tell them why “that’s not good enough.” Flat-out tell an owner when a trade offer is not good enough. Be honest and explain why. There’s no substitute for informing your potential trade partner of news and insight he may not have had. If you’re not in the same ballpark, you can’t play ball.
- Let them know you have other offers — or are in other discussions. This may be true, or it may be a negotiating tactic. Either way, when a potential trade partner thinks someone else will beat him to the punch, he could get trigger-happy. The key is not to say this too early in the process. Wait until counter-offers have been exchanged and the owner is emotionally invested.
- Use the “what if…” scenario. If you’ve been engaged in trade discussions for a while and you’re not making headway, drop the line, “What if we did this…” and offer a suggestion. For instance, “if you take this player out of the deal, what will you offer instead?” Or, “if you add this guy to the deal, what more can you give me?”
- Always make the other owner feel you have his best interests in mind. It may be true, or it may be complete bull. You may be a nice guy, or you may be a shrewd, ruthless, cunning jag. But a placated owner is going to respond better — and likely concede more — than one who feels you’re trying to rip him off. Talk him up, tell him his team is solid, except for one specific area. Tell him “we can really help each other out here!”
- Suggest a beneficial trade with another owner prior to your negotiation. Before you intend to work a deal with a fellow owner, try to facilitate a trade between him and another owner. This has two benefits. First, it lets the owner know you really do have his best interests in mind. Second, it builds trust with the owner and makes him more open to dealing with you.
- Master the art of “I don’t need to do this.” This line works best when A) the owner originally came to you first, and B) you’ve dragged the negotiation on for a bit and you’ve made him feel like you are getting closer to a deal. When you pull out this line, you show that you’re the one with the leverage because your team will do just fine without the deal.
- The “ace in the hole” is actually the Old Maid. If you’re not familiar with the expression, an “ace in the hole” means an advantage or resource that’s held back until the most opportune moment. What you’re going to do when someone offers you a trade is pick one asset from that trade and treat it like it is gold — even though it is not. Say things like, “No, I could never give that up!” Or, “No, I value that asset too much.” Or, “No, I think you’re asking for too much with that.” You get the point. Then, while negotiating, you continue to “play up” that asset as if it’s the key to Fort Knox (you have to be believable; don’t be cheesy). All the while, you’re getting closer and closer to a deal. Then, when the time is right, you play the ace. You say, “Okay, fine, I will give that up if you just give me this…” What happens is that the owner feels like he broke you and got a steal, never really realizing that it wasn’t an ace in your pocket, but the Old Maid that you wanted to get rid of all along.
Stay connected!
Thanks for visiting the Fantasy Football Trade Analyzer! If you’re looking for some more custom fantasy football trade advice, you can follow me on Twitter.